The new GRAELION AF/COMBI delivered in Rome to the National Fire Brigade Corps


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The new GRAELION AF/COMBI "All terrain" and "Rural", designed and manufactured in Italy by TEKNE, have been delivered to the National Fire Brigade Corps at the Central Fire Fighting Schools in Rome.

The result of a fruitful collaboration during the design phases between TEKNE and the Corps, the prototypes delivered and the resulting series of vehicles are therefore responsive in a precise and timely manner to the operational needs of future users.
GRAELION 88 and GRAELION 85, 4x4 in double cabin version with 5 approved seats, designed and manufactured in the Abruzzo company TEKNE, have proven to be the perfect chassis to give life, with appropriate equipment, to the new AF/COMBI, which is a medium-rescue fire-fighting vehicle with 4-wheel drive capable of reaching inaccessible, flooded and even snow-covered areas.

After testing and delivery of the prototypes, the Corps will now proceed with a running-in period, subsequently in the workshops of the Ortona company they will move on to the creation of the fleet which will certainly consist of 50 ALL TERRAIN and 50 RURAL but could reach several hundred following the activation of the options on the contract.
The distribution will be uniform throughout the national territory.

The news on the official website of the Italian firefighters